company name NAKAMURA TOKICHI HONTEN Co., Ltd.
year of establishment 1854 (Ansei 1)
date of incorporation 19 December 1949 (Showa 24)
location 10 Uji Ichiban, Uji City, Kyoto
tel +81-(0)774-22-7800
number of employees 60 (full-time workers only)
names of previous and current presidents

The presidents succeed to the name of “Nakamura Tokichi” for generations and change their names as such in the family register.

NAKAMURA Tokichi II (childhood name: Yoshitaro)
NAKAMURA Tokichi III (childhood name: Ukichi)
NAKAMURA Tokichi IV (childhood name: Toji)
NAKAMURA Tokichi V (childhood name: Fukuya)
NAKAMURA Tokichi VI (childhood name: Toji)
chief executive officer/representative director NAKAMURA Tokichi

Main Factory

location 12-1 Ujikageyama, Uji City, Kyoto
tel +81-(0)774-20-0010